Substantial subsidy for employee well-being: MDIEU

28 Feb 2024

2 min

Did you know that you can apply for a substantial subsidy for initiatives that promote employee well-being in the workplace? Offering solutions like Equip becomes even more attractive with this.

This is about the MDIEU subsidy, from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. If this is new to you, read on for more information. If you're already informed, consider this a reminder!

Here are things you need to know about this subsidy:

  • You can be reimbursed for 50% of the costs for "activities that increase employee well-being". The minimum subsidy amount to request is €75,000. Therefore, the total costs of the activities must be at least €150,000

  • Under the umbrella of "activities that increase employee wellbeing", a wide range of possibilities is covered. The Ministry highlights support for financial well-being as an example

  • There are two application windows in 2024:

    • 2 april - 26 april 2024

    • 2 september - 27 september 2024

  • The application process includes the following steps for your organization:

    • Preparation of a business analysis to identify bottlenecks and opportunities for improvement

    • Preparation of an action plan in which you describe your new initiatives

    • Submission through the subsidy portal, with a decision within 13 weeks

All necessary forms and the subsidy portal can be found in this handy flyer from the Ministry.

Curious about how you can identify the need to improve financial well-being within your organization? Or do you want to know more about the services Equip can offer?

Please contact us.

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KVK registration number: 86747606

Stadhouderskade 157-2, 1074 BC Amsterdam
KVK registration number: 86747606

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