Employees from and to abroad: how can you help as an employer?

15 Oct 2024

5 min

Woman traveling in Barcelona
Woman traveling in Barcelona

One of the positive outcomes of an increasingly connected world is that many companies are allowing their employees to work internationally. In the Netherlands, many employers are welcoming expats, while at the same time sending Dutch employees abroad to represent their companies in foreign markets. While these opportunities are exciting, they also come with challenges—both for the expats arriving here and for the Dutch employees adjusting to life abroad.

To ensure a smooth transition, you need to support your employees at every level. From practical logistics like housing and internet connectivity to essential support for financial well-being, a robust plan is crucial for successful international assignments.

1. Location matters: workplace support

A key consideration for employees working internationally is a suitable workspace. Whether they’re working in an office or remotely from a home office, companies need to ensure a smooth transition.

  • Inform your new employee about directions, public transportation, and any on-site facilities. Make sure your HR team is on hand to address day-to-day questions about local and company culture.

  • Many employees work remotely, so making sure they have a good home office is crucial. Help them find reliable furniture suppliers and offer reimbursements for the purchase of ergonomic office equipment.

2. Insurance and healthcare

Navigating healthcare and other forms of coverage can be confusing, especially when working across borders. Expats here and employees abroad need guidance to understand local healthcare systems and find appropriate coverage.

  • The Netherlands has mandatory healthcare insurance for residents, so make sure your expats understand how to sign up, what coverage is available, and any additional insurance they may need (e.g. dental or vision).

  • In addition to healthcare, expats may need help with home insurance, liability coverage, and travel insurance. Of course, the types of insurance that are relevant vary from country to country.

Do you have expats working in your company who would like 1:1 advice on the different types of insurance they can or should take out? Get in touch.

3. Reliable internet connection

Good internet is essential for all employees, especially when adjusting to a new country or working remotely. This should be a top priority.

  • Help expats familiarize themselves with local providers and ensure they have reliable, fast internet connections. Provide recommendations based on the best coverage for their specific location and offer technical support as needed.

  • Ensure everyone has access to your company’s digital infrastructure, including VPNs, collaboration tools, and communication platforms. Make sure someone on your team can help set up internet access in their new location.

4. Financial planning support

One of the biggest pain points for expats and employees abroad is financial well-being. Moving to a new country brings unexpected expenses and financial complexity. Companies can play a key role in easing this burden by providing comprehensive financial support.

  • Help expats understand local tax laws, which can be complex. Offer assistance with tax returns, explain the 30% ruling (for expats in the Netherlands) and make sure they are aware of local salary standards.

  • Provide access to financial planners who specialize in expat finances, so they can help with bills, pension planning and currency exchange. A financial review by an expert like Equip can help employees abroad catch up on the arrears they inevitably accumulate. Equip’s financial experts help your employees from A to Z, with advice on budgeting, housing costs and building up a pension.

Want to know more about how you as an employer can help with the financial situation of expats who have come to the Netherlands? Then read this blog!

5. Cultural and social integration

Helping employees adapt to a new culture and build a social network is just as important as logistical support. Making them feel connected to the local culture can ease their transition and improve their overall well-being.

  • Encourage social integration by connecting expats with local colleagues or social clubs. Organize team activities or welcome events to help them feel part of the team.

  • Provide training on the culture and customs of their new country. This is especially important if the employee is moving to a region with very different business practices or social norms.

  • Help your employees connect with local expat communities or groups in their destination country. These networks can be invaluable and make it easier to adjust to life abroad.

Supporting global mobility at every level

Supporting expats and employees moving abroad requires a comprehensive approach that addresses both practical needs and well-being. By providing robust support at multiple levels—from workplace and financial planning to cultural integration—companies can ensure a smooth transition and a positive experience for employees moving to or from the Netherlands.

Investing in this type of support not only benefits employees, but also contributes to the success of your company by building a resilient, flexible and satisfied global workforce.

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